Real Property Management Exclusive

How Renters Can Go Green: A Beginner’s Guide to Composting

Starting composting is easy and effective for everybody, regardless of where they reside. Instead of letting organic waste decompose in landfills and generate methane, we can compost food scraps and yard trimmings to generate nutrient-rich soil for plants.

Choose Your Composting Method

Think about which composting method aligns best with your place of residence before you get started. Priorities for renters often include space and convenience. Thank goodness, there are plenty of choices available:

  • Outdoor compost bin: If you have outside space available, it is a good idea to invest in a compost bin or tumbler. They are available in a variety of sizes and styles, so you can pick one that suits your needs and complements your decor.
  • Indoor composting: Is there no outside space? No worries! If you live in an apartment or have limited outdoor space, an indoor composting system such as worm bins or countertop composters might be the way to go.

Find the Perfect Spot

Pick a spot that receives partial sunlight and has good drainage for outdoor bins. Keep it far from potential hazards, such as your house or water supply.

If you prefer indoor composting, seek a convenient spot in your kitchen or utility area. Factor in convenience and aeration to ensure your composting system stays healthy and odor-free.

Gather Your Materials

Mixed “greens” (nitrogen-rich materials like fruit and vegetable scraps) and “browns” (carbon-rich materials like dry leaves or newspaper) are what you’ll need. Strive for approximately 1 part green to 1 part brown to maintain a balanced compost pile.

What Can and Cannot Be Composted

Compostable Materials: Yes, Please!

  • Fruit and vegetable scraps
  • Coffee grounds and filters
  • Eggshells
  • Yard waste (grass clippings, leaves, etc.)
  • Shredded paper or cardboard (in moderation)

These materials will break down over time, delivering essential nutrients to your compost pile and assisting in creating nutrient-rich soil for your plants.

Non-Compostable Materials: Keep Out!

  • Meat and dairy products
  • Greasy or oily foods
  • Pet waste
  • Diseased plants or weeds
  • Plastic or metal

These items can attract pests, generate bad smells, or carry harmful bacteria into your compost pile. It is recommended to dispose of them in different manners, such as recycling or regular trash collection.

Maintaining Your Compost

Turn, Turn, Turn: Regularly turning your compost pile helps aerate it and speed up decomposition. Attempt to turn your pile every week or two using a pitchfork or shovel.

Monitor Moisture: Your compost pile should feel like a damp sponge – not too dry or wet. If it’s excessively dry, add water; if it’s excessively wet, add more browns to soak up the additional water.

Indoor Composting Methods for Renters

Lacking outside space? No worries! Indoor composting methods are great for renters who want to reduce waste without sacrificing convenience.

  • Worm Bins: Vermicomposting, or composting with worms, is an easy and odorless approach to composting indoors. Add your food scraps to the bin and let the worms do their job. On top of that, worm castings make excellent fertilizer for houseplants!
  • Countertop Composters: If you don’t have a lot of room, a countertop composter is an excellent option. These small bins fit nicely on your kitchen counter and utilize aerobic composting to break down food scraps rapidly and efficiently.

With these indoor composting methods, renters can simply incorporate composting into their day-to-day activities and positively impact the environment – right from the comfort of their homes.

Benefits for Rental Properties

Are you aware that composting can benefit renters and the rental property itself? Permitting composting at your rental property can make it a more ecological and appealing place to live for your tenants. Using composting can improve your rental property better in the following ways.

  • Improved Soil Quality: In houses with yards, compost adds essential nutrients to the soil, supporting healthier plant growth and boosting landscaping aesthetics.
  • Reduced Waste Management Costs: By keeping organic waste out of landfills, composting can help reduce waste management costs for rental properties.
  • Enhanced Community Engagement: In multi-unit apartment buildings, composting campaigns can foster a sense of community among tenants and showcase the property’s commitment to sustainability.

Great job! You’ve really mastered composting! By adhering to the simple directions mentioned in this post, you’ve taken a significant step towards reducing waste, sustaining the environment, and making healthier soil for your plants.

Whether you’re composting in a backyard or a high-rise apartment, there’s a perfect method. Are you still not ready? Now is the time to start turning your kitchen scraps into garden gold today by preparing your compost pile!


Is it time for you to take environmentally conscious living seriously? If you are in need of rental assistance, contact Real Property Management Exclusive. We provide a variety of rental properties in and around Paradise Valley. You can contact us immediately via our online platform or browse our available rental listings to locate your ideal house and start composting in your very own space!